Case #50 – GCC, VEP and RAPDx

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Case 3: Topcon 3D OCT Color Fundus Image OU Case 3: A 7 yo hyperactive WM was evaluated because of possible reduction of VA and possible disc pallor. He was previously diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder (ADHD) which perhaps explained the difficulty in examining this youngster. A female resident who spent considerable time with

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Case 2: Optovue iWellness Exam and Diopsys NOVA-DN Since no etiology for the macro-infarct had yet been uncovered, the patient was re-questioned about several aspects of his genera health. He admitted to snoring and gasping, and what his wife believed was sleep apnea, so severe that she often slept in a different room. The patient

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Case 2 : DiopsysTM Nova-DN OU Diopsys VEPs under Nova-DN conditions were normal in the RE but abnormal in the LE under low contrast conditions.

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Case 2: Optovue iWellness Exam GCC Overlay The loss of sensitivity on maia microperimtry correlated highly with the reduction in ganglion cells in the LE. Of interest, the RNFL in the papillomacular bundle of the LE was still normal. The relationship between GCC thickness and RNFL will be covered In detail in a future

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Case 2 : Optovue iWellness Exam OU iWellness Optovue Exam was also obtained. The horizontal section through the fovea revealed the exudates in the outer plexiform layer as presented previously. More importantly, a large deficit in GCC thickness was revealed in the zone between the optic nerve head and fovea (red oval). Note

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Case 2 : maiaTM Microperimetry OU Microperimetry was performed (RR #32) which demonstrated a near absolute loss of sensitivity in the zone between the disc and fovea. In contrast, the RE was normal.

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Case 2: Topcon 3D OCT OS Exudates in the outer plexiform layer are an unusual finding following a macroinfarct but do not aid in the search for a specific etiology, Additional diagnostic tests were ordered: CBC, ESR, ANA, FTA, ACE, Serum Lysozyme, Lyme Titer, Bartonella titer, Carotid Doppler and echocardiogram.2 All were negative.

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Case 2: Topcon 3D OCT Color Fundus Image OS The white spots which were not present initially appear to be exudates.

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Case 2 : Topcon 3D OCT Color Fundus Image OU Case 2: A 43 yr white male presented with a “blurry spot to the left of center” in his left eye. He believed a paint chip was causing the “sideways tear drop shape” defect in his vision. Other than high cholesterol levels treated with

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