Case #54 – AF in Myriad Retinal Degenerations-Part 2

AF in Myriad Retinal Degenerations-Part 2 – Page 52 of 62

Case 10: Optomap® Color Fundus AF Comparison and OS KEY: Color Optomap Auto Fluorescence The patient most likely has benign familial fleck retina. The relatively symmetric lesions suggest an inherited disorder. The patient is scheduled for genetic testing at Columbia University. In addition to Dr. Stephen Tsang, Dr. Tony Moore at Moorfields Eye

AF in Myriad Retinal Degenerations-Part 2 – Page 52 of 622023-02-02T20:24:00+00:00

AF in Myriad Retinal Degenerations-Part 2 – Page 48 of 62

Case 10: Optomap® Color Fundus lmage OD Case 10: A 45 yo HF was discovered on routine exam to have white flecks throughout the fundus of each eye. She denies any family history of eye problems as well as any difficulty seeing at night. BCVA was 20/30+2 OD and 20/30-2 OS. SD OCT

AF in Myriad Retinal Degenerations-Part 2 – Page 48 of 622023-02-02T20:24:01+00:00

AF in Myriad Retinal Degenerations-Part 2 – Page 47 of 62

Case 9: Optomap® Color Fundus and AF Comparison OD and OS KEY:Color OptomapAuto FluorescenceNote that the one DD area below the disc on the color images in the RE is not present in the AF images. This represents a reflection off the internal limiting membrane. AF does not image the inner retina and

AF in Myriad Retinal Degenerations-Part 2 – Page 47 of 622023-02-02T20:24:01+00:00