Case 1: Optovue iWellness OU Exam


Case 1: A 15 yo male with a 4 day history of distorted vision in his left eye with possible slight involvement of his right eye. Color vision was affected as well over the past several days. The history was unremarkable: no trauma, no personal or family history of eye disorders, no general health issues of significance and no history of systemic medications. Best corrected VA was 20/30 OD and 20/50 OS with no improvement with pinhole. An iWellness Exam was obtained.

Horizontal and vertical cross sectional scans through the fovea were abnormal in both eye. The same test revealed a normal GCC in each eye with good symmetry. Note that the GCC overall thickness is 99µ in the OD and 98µ in the OS, both completely within the normal range and effectively rules out glaucoma and non-glaucomatous optic neuropathies. To learn more about GCC go to case #RR21 (pg 29-31)