Comments and Conclusions

  • In cases of unusual, sudden onset maculopathies, consider exposure to laser pointers as a possible etiology.
  • Although green laser pointers typically operate at a higher energy level, we have seen red laser pointer result in similar maculopathies.
  • The iWellness Exam can detect retinal disorders in the posterior pole and can simultaneously help in the differential diagnosis of retinal vs optic nerve disorders.
  • In the case of the laser induced maculopathy, the normal GCC on iWellness effectively ruled out an optic nerve disorder even though the patient complained of color vision problems.
  • Some patients present with both a retinopathy and an optic neuropathy and both can be detected with iWellness (such as the patient with CSC and glaucoma)
  • AF is helpful (here as part of the optomap exam) in detecting disorders affecting the RPE and related photoreceptors.
  • Wearing our “prevent blindness” hat, we should inform parents and patients about the dangers of inexpensive and easily obtainable laser pointers and keep them out of the hands of children and teenagers.