Ajax George, MD

Dr. Ajax E. George is the senior attending Neuroradiologist at NYU Langone Medical Center with a CAQ in Neuroradiology. He is a Professor of Radiology at the New York University School of Medicine in Manhattan, New York.

After completing a combined college and medical school program at the National University Medical School in Athens, Greece (1966), Dr. George completed residency in diagnostic radiology at New York University Medical Center in New York City (1970) and a fellowship in neuroradiology (1970-1971).

A highly regarded expert in the field of neuroradiology, Dr George has participated in numerous local and national radiologic committees and has served as board examiner and NIH site visitor. Dr. George has extensive experience in both neuroradiologic research as well as clinical practice. He is widely published with over 120 referenced publications, book chapters and several hundred presentations.