History/Chief Complaint

  • 31 year old white female presented with a long and complicated history of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (neovascularization of the disc – NVD). She has previously undergone panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) in each eye. She reported a 20 year history of IDDM. The chief complaint was blurred and distorted vision right eye greater than left eye. History of trab surgery OS because of dramatic pressure rise secondary to an intravitreal steroid injection.

Clinical Findings

  • BCVA: 20/40 OD and OS.
  • Ta = 19/8.
  • Fundus Exam: C/D ratio .3 OU. Fibroglial tissue emanating from both discs. Widespread PRP scars OU.

OCT image

  • OD: Posterior hyaloid detached superiorly to disc and attached at the disc. Also a small area of traction retinal detachment inferior nasally was documented.
  • Cystoid macular edema OU.
  • Note: Only images of right eye are presented for brevity.


  • Return to referring retinal specialist for careful monitoring.