Case 4: Diopsys™ Nova-DN OU

Case 4: 31-year-old WF was referred for evaluation of visual sequale due to acquired brain injury incurred 4 years earlier. She was diagnosed with anoxic encephalopathy and has since remained perceptually and cognitively impaired. Her pre-incident memory is very spotty. BCVA is 20/100- OD and 20/100- OS with a refractive error of -5.00. External examination revealed 1+RAPD OS. The optic nerves appeared normal with probable physiologic temporal pallor. The VEP under standard Diopsys NOVA-DN conditions is normal as to waveform, amplitude, and latency under both Low and High Contrast conditions in each eye. Such VEPS are commensurate with normal retina, optic nerve and visual pathway function.