Intraocular Tumors

The use of B-mode ultrasonography is invaluable in the detection of intraocular tumors, especially those that cause retinal detachment. Since an overlying detachment can hide an insidious etiology, ultrasonography should be performed to exclude the presence of an intraocular tumor in suggestive cases, especially in cases of nonrhegmatogenous retinal detachments (i.e. detachments without holes or tears).

When determining whether an elevated fundus mass is a tumor or not, one must assess whether the mass is solid. This can be done by monitoring the lesions surface for after movement. Gain settings can also be adjusted in order to determine if the lesion is nonsolid. In such cases the lesion would not exhibit internal reflection even at higher sensitivities.

B-scan of a melanoma resulting in inferior retinal detachment.