Example 2-Staphyloma and Peripapillary Retinoschisis

History/Chief Complaint

  • 46 year old black male with very reduced vision in the right eye for the last several months.

Clinical Findings

  • BCVA: OD FC at 2 ft and OS 20/40-
  • Refractive Error:
    • OD -18.00
    • OS -14.00
  • Fundus Exam: Revealed myopic thinning in both eyes but no obvious explanation for the reduced VA OD.
    Discs appeared normal without evidence of optic nerve head pits.

OCT Image

  • There is complete absence of the photoreceptor integrity line, PIL in the right eye (see page 8). The line
    normally corresponding to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is extremely thin and probably represents
    Bruch’s membrane and some residual RPE. The RPE is much more intact in the left eye.