Comparison of Classical NA-AION and Our Patient


  • Average age of onset: 61-years-old1
  • A hypotensive disorder.1
  • 73% of cases first note vision loss after awakening.1
  • Poor VA not initially required. 51% of cases have a VA of 20/40 or better in the affected eye at onset.1,4,5
  • VF defect is always present and range from mild to severe with inferior nasal most common in affected eye.1,4
  • 70% of those diagnosed with NA-AION also have sleep apnea.6
  • Individuals typically have small or absent cup in a small optic nerve head, but it’s not a primary factor in pathogenisis.1,5

Our Patient

  • Age: 60-years-old.
  • Patient takes hypotensive medication for systemic hypertension.
  • Patient discovered blurred vision upon awakening.
  • Initial VA was 20/30 OS.
  • Severe visual field defect in affected eye.
  • Medical history indicates sleep apnea syndrome is likely.
  • Patient has a small disc and somewhat reduced cup in the fellow unaffected eye, suggesting that the affected eye also has a small disc.