Differential Diagnosis? (from RR #29)

• Proliferative Sickle Cell Retinopathy (PSR) OD>OS
• Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
• PDR: (typically mid-peripheral and posterior pole, has to be DM (+))
• BRVO/CRVO: (no signs of it, no associated systemic diseases, young patient)
• ROP: (patient is a normal term baby)
• FamilIal Exudative Vitreoretinopathy: (no vltreoretlnal traction and no family history)
• Coat’s disease: (no retinal exudation, majority are males (75%) and unilateral, usually 1st decade of life (Mean age = 5 yo))
• Eales disease: (no occlusive peripheral periphlebitis, majority are young Asian males or people in 3rd-5th decade of life)