Macula Risk® Recommendations


  1. All specialties Screen patients over 65 yrs with large drusen (over 125µ);
  2. Refer ‘high risk’ to RS for a base-line exam and new medical record;
  3. Monitor MR 1 & 2…….. annually;
  4. Monitor MR 3…………… twice per annum;
  5. Monitor MR 4…………..  three times per annum;
  6. Monitor MR 5…………… four times per annum;
  7. Refer advanced cases to Retina Specialist.

Approximately one in five patients with Dry AMD will convert to Advanced AMD with vision loss. We normally don’t know who they are until it is too late. The CNV patient with one bad eye is currently managed by the Retina Specialist. The specialist treats the bad eye with Avastin or Lucentis and focuses on preserving visual acuity in the second eye. The objective with Macula Risk Testing is to identify patients with high risk Dry AMD so the eye care professionals can focus on saving the first eye. The Company recommendation is that these ‘high risk’ patients be managed in a fashion similar to the way that the second eye is managed.