Case #22 – Retinoschisis/Retinal Detachment

Retinoschisis/Retinal Detachment – Page 2 of 42

Differential Diagnosis of Peripheral Lesions The Optos® fly through is particularly helpful for patient education in demonstrating the extent and location of retinal abnormalities.

Retinoschisis/Retinal Detachment – Page 2 of 422020-12-10T18:09:42+00:00

Retinoschisis/Retinal Detachment – Page 1 of 42

Routine binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (B10) or optos® imaging often detects peripheral retinal lesions. But is the lesion flat or elevated? If elevated, is it a solid lesion, a cyst, or a membrane? If a membrane, is it a retinal detachment (RD), retinoschisis (RS) or choroidal detachment (CD)? This week's case is about an asymptomatic

Retinoschisis/Retinal Detachment – Page 1 of 422020-12-10T18:09:51+00:00